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Module 7: Red Flags (Bonus!)

✓ Module 7 Of The High Conflict Relationships Course

Are you ready for Module 7? It’s a bonus module but really, really, important. If you’ve experienced one high conflict relationship, chances are you’ll find yourself around more high conflict people in the future. This module is all about how to spot a high conflict relationship and what to do about it - before it becomes a problem.

So many times, when I work with people who have been really burned by someone with personality disorder traits, they are hesitant or even scared to death to trust people again. I often see that play out when someone is afraid to date or afraid to make new friends. Or even afraid to be more sociable at work!

This module is about spotting the high conflict person from a mile away so you can get your boundaries fired up, get your values working for you like they should be, and get your intuition and self-trust sitting front and center.

Here's everything you get:

  • Module 7 of the High Conflict Relationships Course, access to video courses, workbooks and all course content

Module 7 Of The HCR Course

  • Downloadable audio files for listening on-the-go

  • Workbooks and practical exercises

  • Resources and reference handout

  • A quiz at the end of the module

  • Certificate of Completion accompanies a quiz score of 90% or higher

Jenni McBride McNamara is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, with a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. Jenni specializes in High Conflict Relationships, and her coaching methodology has helped hundreds of individuals reach their relationship goals. Jenni owns her own private practice in Minnesota and collaborates with professionals in the mental health space and in marriage and family courts. Her approach is therapeutic and her methodology is uniquely tailored to the individual who seeks freedom from a high conflict relationship. Learn more about Jenni and her work with High Conflict Relationships at TOUCHINGTREES.